While perusing Facebook tonight, I saw a personal eulogy for a man who had passed. I recognized the name as the former 5th grade teacher of my oldest brother. My brother will be 40 this year. I sent my bro a message letting him know. The following was our conversation:
Me: Didn't you have Mr. W? He died...
Bro: Yes. F*$k!
Bro: He was the best English teacher I ever had. He even paddled me once... LOL.
Me: You probably deserved it!
Bro: I probably did! He introduced me to Edgar Allan Poe, and Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear... Good man.
Bro: Ugh... Sucks... I always wanted to touch base with him... Let him know I wasn't a F*$k up.
Me: Well one thing it tells me... Kids never forget!
Bro: No... NEVER. He had a positive impact on me... He made reading fun.
Me: And that is VERY hard to do.
Bro: He could do it... He would change his voice with every character while reading a chapter... Then leave us with the next 5 or 6... Those voices would be in our heads... To be honest, I still use them while reading today.
Me: That's awesome!
Bro: Yeah. I've never been emotional about a passing teacher. He was great.
Me: Some of them are THAT great.
Lesson: Strive to be the best you can be every day. Kids will remember us at our best or our worst. We DO make a difference.

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