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Saturday, April 20, 2013

I Can... Statements

I decided to work at school today instead of play Candy Crush all day.  {No joke - I would have sat on the couch all day.}  I wanted to make something that I haven't had the time or energy to do: I Can... headers.  I would have made them at home, but I didn't have my scrapbook paper (or printer ink for that matter).  I already had I Can Statements posted, but they were ugly and I wanted them to be pretty.  :)  You can click here to see my Pinspiration.  Mine don't look quite that good, but I'm content with it for now.  What do you think?

I Can statements (before)  Ugly, right??
Finally, I just wanted to share my newsletter for this week.  I'm not sure about y'all, but I am having the hardest time getting students to:
  1. Turn in anything, much less on time.
  2. Put their name on anything.
  3. Use reading strategies.
I feel like I'm turing blue from repeating myself.  To get their attention (and their parents') I put a picture on their newsletter this week.  You've all seen the "Keep Calm" posters I'm sure.  I found one that read, "KEEP CALM AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK".  Maybe it will help... (probably not, ha!).
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