Since I was young, around the angelic age of 11, I have been in love with Broadway. Have I ever had the pleasure of seeing a show on the actual Broadway? No, but I have seen several off-Broadway shows and have enjoyed soundtracks to many shows. One of my favorites is Les Misérables. I've never actually seen the show, but I've had the soundtrack memorized [verbatim] for about 15 years. LOVE IT! You can imagine how excited I was when I heard it was coming to the big screen. I've been anticipating this movie for months. I've watched so many youtube videos about the making of Les Mis and previews. For, I believe, the first time in Hollywood, a soundtrack was recorded around the acting instead of the acting being filmed around the soundtrack. It's genius - and it shows. Last Monday, I went to a noon matinee (by myself) and was so impressed. They stuck so closely to the original Broadway score. That never happens! Usually something important is always cut out. Not this time. If you haven't seen it, you must go. It will be the best 2.5 hours of your day! :)
A while back, on my birthday actually, the
Navy LDO Lieutenant brother and I were talking about possibly seeing Les Mis when it came to Charlotte in February (He saw it earlier this year while stationed in San Diego). Well... that isn't happening. We waited too late (forgot actually) and tickets were gone (or $315 each). We checked online and found that Les Mis would be in Richmond, VA the last week in March (He lives in King George... Perfect, right?). So... We have tickets! We're going to the 8:00 showing on March 30th! I am SO EXCITED!! We're sitting at the orchestra level. We're going to get dressed up, go to dinner, and then see the best musical in Broadway history!! :)
So, for your viewing pleasure, The 25th Anniversary Concert at the O2 in London.
[Sorry the video was removed from youtube. Sad day.]
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