The Big Snow wasn't quite as big as they were predicting for me; however, further north in Guilford County, my co-worker friends got much more snow! Our district called a 2-hour delay mid-day yesterday. They don't take chances when there is a possibility of ice because of a tragic accident a few years ago. As long as they don't cancel, I'm happy. We don't make-up delays, but we do cancelations! :)
For the rest of the day, I'll be at school catching up on months of grading! I've become so lazy when it comes to grading. Oops! I'm not sure I'll be doing much talking, today. {Yeah, right} I've had the upper respiratory crud, and when I woke up this morning, I could barely talk! I might bring some movies to watch on the SmartBoard. We'll see...
I hope everyone has a great day and weekend!
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