Thursday, March 28, 2013

Discovery Education Techbook {Spring Break}

I couldn't have made it one more day!  Hallelujah!!  Spring break is here!!  :)  I'm sure most of you are not doing school work over spring break, but I plan on grading... a lot!  {Awe, shucks... I just remembered I left essays at school (from months ago) that I wanted to grade.}  Grades are due the week we get back, so I don't want to have to worry about that as soon as I return!

What are everyone's plans??  I'm heading up to my brother's {in Virginia} tomorrow.  We are going to see Les Mis in Richmond Saturday night.  I'm pretty excited!  It's finally here!  I'm not sure what I'm going to have to look forward to after I see the show...  Oh yes, I know.  I desperately want to buy a new car. I know I've been talking about it for months now.  I haven't test driven anything, but I'm really leaning toward the 2014 Mazda CX-5.  Any newer model Mazda drivers out there who can review?  Maybe I can talk the brother into taking me to some dealerships while I'm up there.  We'll see.

ONE LAST THING...  Part of our Title1 money was spent on the Discovery Education Science Techbook for 5th grade.  Does anyone else have this?  It is AMAZING!  There are whole units already created for us!  We "received" it (or finally had access to it) halfway through our ecosystems unit.  I incorporated many of the passages and videos into our plans.  Again... AMAZING!!  It's super expensive, but the representative who set up our accounts told us that there are whole districts getting rid of their text books and switching to the techbook.  We haven't used a text book in several years, so for us, it's great to have the additional (quality) resources.  Check it out if you haven't already...

I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe break!

PS - blogger friends - Have you been receiving a lot of SPAM??  I turned off the verification code because they are so frustrating, but I'm considering adding it back.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing about TechBook - I need to look into it, it is right up my alley. I'm a NC blogger too (that's how I found you). I'm your newest follower. Follow me too at Mrs. Harris Teaches Science!

    Mrs. Harris


Thank for reading my blog! I would love to read your comments! :) I apologize for the word verification images that are so hard to read. You wouldn't believe the amount of SPAM I receive daily without the word verification.